2025 Map Number: 41

Medium: Mixed Media

I am a charcoal and pastel artist. I work on custom cradled birch panels. I would identify myself as a contemporary wildlife artist. My style and subject matter is a nod to growing up in the wilds of northern Wyoming just 90 miles east of Yellowstone National Park. I annually exhibit at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson, Wyoming and The High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon. My work is widely collected around the nation. I also teach drawing classes at my studio in Stabler, Washington.

Visit Jen's website at:

Contact Jen at:
(503) 754-1424

Directions: The best way to get to Fire Cache Studios is to plug in to Google Maps Wind River Trust Visitor Information Office in Stabler, WA. The studio is just past the visitors center on the first right turn. Then watch for orange balloons and signs to the studio. If coming from White Salmon take the 14 to Carson and then to Stabler turning on to Hemlock Road. From Portland cross Bridge of the Gods to Washington, then through Stevenson, then Carson to Stabler.